How to install Frida on genymotion

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Hello dear friends, and welcome back of another mobile application security blog, on the previous article I did show you how to install Frida on iOS device and how to install frida client, today I’ll show you how to install frida on Android simulator (genymotion).

For this example, I use Samsung Galaxy S6 simulator

Before to download the frida-server we have to check which version of frida we have installed on our machine for todo that we have to execute the following command:

  • frida –version

The next step is to download  the 32 bit frida-server version 12.6.10

  • wget
  • unxz frida-server-12.6.10-android-x86.xz
  • mv frida-server-12.6.10-android-x86 frida-server

Now we need to launch our Android simulator after that we will use adb to upload the frida-server into the device simulator

  •  adb devices -l
  • adb connect ip
  • adb root

  • adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/
  • adb shell “chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server”
  • adb shell /data/local/tmp/frida-server

Open a new terminal

  • frida-ps -U

Fantastic we are able to connect to Frida