Tag Archives: ctf

THM: CyberHeroes

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Dear friends, today I will show you how to resolve the CyberHeroes challenge tryhackme. Let’s start with a service/port scan Initial scanning   nmap -sC -sV -p- -Pn $IP It is evident that there is a web service running on port 80 after some dir busting the only interesting part is… Read more »


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Service Discovery nmap -sS -sV -sC $IP Since an old version of Redis runs on port 6379, is it possible to use the following exploit to get a reverse shell on the target machine Exploit Redis The first step is to setup a listener handler. It’s possible to use netcat,… Read more »

Hack the box: Baby RE

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Hello dear friends and welcome back, today I want to show you how I did resolve the Baby RE from hack the box. The binary is a 64bit ELF and it required to insert the key in a way to get the flag. The next step is to execute the… Read more »

CTF Vulnhub: Prime 1 Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve Prime:1machine. Description This machine is designed for those one who is trying to prepare for OSCP or OSCP-Exam. This is first level of prime series. Some help at every stage is given. Machine is lengthy as OSCP… Read more »

CTF: Android UnCrackable-Level1

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Hello, dear friends today I’ll show you how to resolve the CTF  Uncrackable – Android Level1. First, we need to install the application in order to understand what it does and how it works adb install UnCrackable-Level1.apk mmm interesting there is a root detection, so now we will use jadx… Read more »

CTF Vulnhub: Hackme 1 Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve hackme: 1machine. Description ‘hackme’ is a beginner difficulty level box. The goal is to gain limited privilege access via web vulnerabilities and subsequently, privilege escalate as root. The lab was created to mimic the real-life environment. ‘hackme’… Read more »

CTF: LazySysAdmin Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve LazySysAdmin machine. Description Difficulty: Beginner – Intermediate Boot2root created out of frustration from failing my first OSCP exam attempt. Information gathering TCP Scanning Banner Grabbing Nmap scanning Dirb When the samba server is running it’s always a good… Read more »

CTF: SP: eric Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve SP: eric machine. Description Eric is trying to reach out on the Internet, but is he following best practice? Flags – /root/flag.txt – /home/eric/flag.txt Tested with VirtualBox DHCP enabled Difficulty: Beginner Should not be as easy as to… Read more »

CTF: Matrix:1 Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve Matrix machine. Description Matrix is a medium level boot2root challenge. The OVA has been tested on both VMware and Virtual Box. Difficulty: Intermediate Flags: Your Goal is to get root and read /root/flag.txt Networking: DHCP: Enabled IP… Read more »

CTF: Fowsniff:1 Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve Fowsniff machine. Description This is a boot2root machine, It’s a beginner level, but requires more than just an exploitdb search or metasploit to run. It was created in (and is intended to be used with) VirtualBox, and… Read more »

CTF: DerpNStink Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve DerpNStink machine Description: Mr. Derp and Uncle Stinky are two system administrators who are starting their own company, DerpNStink. Instead of hiring qualified professionals to build up their IT landscape, they decided to hack together their own… Read more »

CTF: FristiLeaks Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve FristiLeaks. Description A small VM made for a Dutch informal hacker meetup called Fristileaks. Meant to be broken in a few hours without requiring debuggers, reverse engineering, etc.. Information gathering TCP Scanning Analyze the web app After… Read more »

CTF: Ch4inrulz Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve ch4inrulz. Description Frank has a small website and he is a smart developer with a normal security background , he always love to follow patterns , your goal is to discover any critical vulnerabilities and gain access… Read more »

CTF: W1R3S Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve  W1R3S. Description You have been hired to do a penetration test on the W1R3S.inc individual server and report all findings. They have asked you to gain root access and find the flag (located in /root directory). Difficulty… Read more »

CTF: Unknowndevice64 Walkthrough

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Hello dear friends, welcome back for another CTF Walkthrough. Today we will solve  Unknowndevice64. Description unknowndevice64 v1.0 is a medium level boot2root challenge. The OVA has been tested on both VMware and Virtual Box. Difficulty: Intermediate Flags: Your Goal is to get root and read /root/flag.txt Information gathering TCP Scanning… Read more »

CTF: HackInOS Walkthrough

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Introduction Hello dear friends, this is my first CTF walkthrough, I hope you’ll enjoy It. Box Description HackinOS is a beginner level CTF style vulnerable machine. I created this VM for my university’s cyber security community and all cyber security enthusiasts. I thank to Mehmet Oguz Tozkoparan, Ömer Faruk Senyayla… Read more »